7 tips to help you in coming up with great ideas for your first eBook

Writing your first eBook is an adventure which is exciting as well as complex. We have some tips that will certainly help you in coming up with great ideas for your first eBook.

Tip #1: Choosing the topic
Choosing a topic for your eBook will be easy if you write about (a) a thing you already know a lot about, and (b) a thing you’ll enjoy writing about. This will help you in saving the time that you would have otherwise invested in researching for a topic.
Tip #2: Take clues from what you frequently read
If you’re confused and unable to come up with a topic to write on, observe the magazines and blogs that you frequently read. You’ll start to notice something common in all the content resources of yours. Get to a core idea that they cover and that might be a great one for your eBook.
Tip #3: Already having a blog is a big plus
If you already write blogs or email newsletters, then you have a really great benefit than others. Your blog audience can help you in getting a lot of new ideas, plus you get a ready-made audience for your eBook. You can also observe the emails and comments you receive on your blog to find the questions that your audience asks frequently and if you can write an eBook with solutions to those.
Tip #4: Decide a certain length of time for research
Generally, writers get stuck while researching because there’s no end to research and gathering more and more information. You can save yourself from getting stuck by deciding a certain length of time for research before starting your eBook.
Tip #5: Don’t overly rely on blog posts or articles
The topic you’ve chosen will likely have some similar books written by professional eBook writers, and if there aren’t maybe you should research more if your topic is too out-of-the-way to find readers. You can take help from the indexes of books to find the parts that are relevant to you, also to get an idea on the aspects that you haven’t covered yet.
Tip #6: Verify facts yourself before quoting
Before quoting a fact or including data in your content, verify them yourself and don’t rely on it just because somebody else has quoted it. The other author might not have necessarily verified it and might have made them up just to suit to his eBook’s content.
Tip #7: Have a clear and full outline before you begin
This tip can be of a lot help to make it easy for you to write your eBook. The outline should include a title of each chapter and subheadings for each chapter.

We hope using these tips you’ll be able to become a eBook writer. Happy writing!
